Exploratory Data Analysis

On this page, you'll find projects related to EDA!
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Table of Content

NBA Teams Offensive Data Exploration (1980-2021)

Boxplot of TS% Across Era and Rankings

For this project, I am mainly interested in conducting data exploration and analysis on the offensive stats and characteristics of different NBA teams between 1980 and 2021 based on Finals ranking which is a new column I will create that contains 4 values: Champion, Runner-Up, Knocked Out and Never Qualified. Knocked Out and Never Qualified implies that they have either been knocked out of or never qualified for the NBA playoffs. Some stats that you will see me analyze and visualize are Margin of Victory(MOV), 3P%, Age and shot attempts.

Project Information

To begin, I scraped data from the Basketball Reference website, which contains each team's performances throughout the years. I scraped a total of 4 different stats tables from the website and stored them in 4 different datasets. In this notebook, I used 3 different packages: Pandas, BeautifulSoup and Requests.

I will then clean the data. Some steps I took here are dealing with null values, dropping unneeded columns, converting datatypes and cleaning up the values. After cleaning up the data, I merged 4 of the datasets into 2. I have also created a new column to indicate the NBA teams' Finals ranking in this notebook. One consists of the teams' total stats per year and one consists of the average stats per game for each year. In this notebook, I used 2 different packages: Pandas and Numpy.

Lastly, I will analyze and create some visualizations of the stats. I started off by analyzing the total stats first to get a broad picture view by conducting and creating visuals for univariate and bivariate exploration. Afterward, I moved onto the average stats per game of each year where I conducted the same type of explorations along with multivariate exploration. You will find that I have also created a couple categorical variables for my analysis as well. In this notebook, I used 5 different packages: Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Matplotlib and Warnings. You will find the majority of the multivariate exploration near the end and a lengthy conclusion.

Beer Analysis Project With R

Scatterplot: ABV vs. IBU

Assume that the audience is the CEO and CFO of Budweiser (your client) and that they only have had one class in statistics and have indicated that I cannot take more than 7 minutes of their time. They have hired you to address the 9 questions / items

Project Questions to Answer

  • 1.How many breweries are present in each state?
  • 2.Merge beer data with the breweries data. Print the first 6 observations and the last six observations to check the merged file.
  • 3.Address the missing values in each column.
  • 4.Compute the median alcohol content and international bitterness unit for each state. Plot a bar chart to compare.
  • 5.Which state has the maximum alcoholic (ABV) beer? Which state has the most bitter (IBU) beer?
  • 6.Comment on the summary statistics and distribution of the ABV variable.
  • 7.Is there an apparent relationship between the bitterness of the beer and its alcoholic content? Draw a scatter plot. Make your best judgment of a relationship and EXPLAIN your answer.
  • 8.Budweiser would also like to investigate the difference with respect to IBU and ABV between IPAs (India Pale Ales) and other types of Ale (any beer with “Ale” in its name other than IPA). You decide to use KNN classification to investigate this relationship. Provide statistical evidence one way or the other.
  • 9.Find one other useful inference from the data that you feel Budweiser may be able to find value in. You must convince them why it is important and back up your conviction with appropriate statistical evidence

This project was done as part of the DS 6306 course at Southern Methodist Univeristy.

Video Presentation R Markdown

London Crime Analysis & Hypothesis Testing (2008-2016)

Histgram of Hypothesis Testing

In this project, I am interested in working to understand the crime rate in London, England. My goal is to work through this notebook to understand violent crime rates and when they are likely to occur throughout the year. This dataset contains all crimes (non-violent and violent) committed between 2008 and 2016. However, the nature of the crime-violent or non-violent- is not specified in this dataset, so we will need to deal with that during the preprocessing phase. We will also need to specify which months are the ones when daylight saving is in effect.

Project Information

There are a total of 2 notebooks dedicated to this project. This first notebook(London Crime Hypothesis Testing.ipynb) is dedicated to testing the individual factors(borough/location & daylight saving) that I think may affect the violent crime rate while the second notebook(London Crime Hypothesis Testing Part II.ipynb) to testing the interactions between location/borough and daylight saving for any significant effect on the rate.

My initial assumption is that violent crime rates increase when daylight saving is not in effect, which means that the night is longer. Therefore, our hypothesises are:

  • Null Hypothesis: The difference between the violent crime rates when daylight saving is and isn't in effect is less than or equal to 0.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: The difference between the violent crime rates when daylight saving is and isn't in effect is greater than 0.

Recent Projects

December 10, 2022

Employee Analysis & Predictions

In this project, I will identify the top three factors that contribute to turnover (backed up by evidence provided by analysis). The analysis is backed up by robust experimentation and appropriate visualization. Additionally, we also want to build a model that accurately predicts employee salary.

December 10, 2022

Home Sale Price Predictions

Build a model that get an estimate of how the SalePrice of the house is related to the square footage of the living area of the house and if the SalesPrice depends on which of 3 interested neighborhood the house is located in. Next, build the most predictive model with as many neccessary for sales prices of homes in all of Ames Iowa.

October 22, 2022

Beer Analysis project with R

Assume that the audience is the CEO and CFO of Budweiser (your client) and that they only have had one class in statistics and have indicated that I cannot take more than 7 minutes of their time. They have hired you to address 9 questions / items.

Project Spotlight

Disaster Response Pipeline

Create an NLP pipeline to help people in needs

Create a machine learning/NLP pipeline to categorize these events and build a model to classify messages that are sent during disasters.

By classifying these messages, we can allow these messages to be sent to the appropriate disaster relief agency. The dataset -provided by Figure Eight- is used to build a model that classifies disaster messages, while the web app is where a respondent can input a new message and get classification results in several categories.